
Finding Heart

Men Still Need to Charge Dragons
The mythical figure of a dragon is found in countless stories and tales from ancient times. One of my favorites is the legend of St. George and the Dragon from the 11th century. As the story goes, a dragon was terrorizing the countryside and the only way to appease it was through human sacrifice, chosen by lot. Sadly, the lot at some point fell on the king’s daughter. But while she was awaiting her doom, St. George rode up on horseback and decided to challenge the dragon in order to save the... read more

“What is God Doing?”: 6 Simple Questions to Disciple Young Minds . . . And Yours
“What is God DOING?”
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The Brotherhood of the Broken
By the word brotherhood, I mean how a man binds himself to other men and so experiences a bond between them. It does not come easy. Women easily create community. But men tend to isolate. Underneath all the cultural and personal reasons for staying alone lies one dominant factor — fear. True community among men only happens when the fear of exposure and rejection is stared down. It only happens when stories of the heart are shared. I call it the brotherhood of the broken.
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The Brotherhood of the Quest
We love stories or movies where a group of men are on a mission together, accomplishing some worthy task. The face danger along the way, work through the obstacles, and fight off enemies that attack. Start with Lord of the Rings or Saving Private Ryan for epic versions of this quest. For historical tales, look at Endurance, the story of Shackleford’s attempt to reach the South Pole or Undaunted Courage, the account of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Here we have men on the move, seeking to do... read more

A New Vision From an Old Friend
One of the most important movements for men in the last century happened in the 1990’s with a ministry called Promise Keepers. Focused on helping men live with integrity, Promise Keepers touched the lives of seven million men through its national conferences. On October 4, 1997, over a million of these men gathered in the National Mall of Washington, D.C. to take a stand for Christ. In fact, many men who are on the journey of Authentic Manhood today can trace their beginning steps of this... read more

The Coronavirus Choice: Finding the Good
We are now moving into the second month of this pandemic. The effects of it have been challenging in some places, tragic in others. While I do not want to mitigate in any way the sufferings that some have endured, I do think there is another side. There is a rather large silver lining to this blackened cloud. So again we have a choice with the Coronavirus: finding the good or focusing on the bad. The list that
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The Danger of Social Distancing
What a crazy time in history we’re living through at the moment! In fact it’s so crazy, I just apologized to 2019 for saying it was one of the worst years ever!
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Why Men Must Become Mindful
It has happened on more than one occasion. I’m in a conversation with a man that turns to the deeper matters of the heart. Instead of engaging me, he pulls back and says something like this, “I’m just not one of those touchy-feely guys.”
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