We have completed the first six weeks of 33 The Series. It has been nothing short of AMAZING! I am extremely impressed by how well constructed, crafted, and presented all the material is. From the lessons, to the speakers, to the vignettes, to the music, to the cinematography… it is all top notch.

“We just completed ‘A Man and His Design’ in the 33 the Series at our church. It went very well. I have watched each session three times, and each time I am impressed with the new truths or reminded of important things I need to implement. The content, the graphics, the video clips, the music and the length of the sessions, are all done very well. I am very sold on this and believe men across the country can benefit from these great sessions."

“We just finished 33 The Series Volume Two in the North Shore business community with employees from several different companies in our complex. This material has been very effective for our group, which is made up of young married men.“

“When I was invited to join the new 33 group at this office, though I was twice the age of the other participants (I just turned 70), I thought I’d give it a try… I was very skeptical of the new abbreviated team approach. Boy, was I amazed! We’ll do the second six weeks after the holidays and are looking forward to expanding the group at that time.

“Thanks for your help bringing 33 to Fort Leavenworth Military Prison, we had a maximum room capacity turnout. God is doing mighty things. “

“I’m a retired Military Chaplain and I function as the Director of Religious Education for the US Military in Fort Hood. Mark Fischer, one of our Cadence Missionaries, is reviewing 33 The Series and preparing to present it in the near future. He told me the other day it was probably the best men’s material he has ever seen. Thanks for the great resource.“

“Just wanted to give an update on our study at City Place Cigars, we are having consistently over 40 guys in attendance… a good mix in age… some unsure of their faith. The feedback has been outstanding. Our discussion times have been very candid and open. I THINK YOU GUYS HAVE A WINNER!”

“I’m extremely excited about 33 The Series because every man needs a roadmap as to what it means to be an authentic man. What is authentic masculinity? 33 The Series tackles that and gives us all insight and wisdom. I’m a product of that and I’ve definitely benefited greatly from all the information and all the resources that 33 The Series brings to the table, so it’s definitely a must have, it’s definitely something I think every man will benefit from. 33 The Series you gotta get it.”

33 The Series has been a game-changer in my life. I had hit rock bottom and become so jaded that I didnt even believe in God. I was lost on the highway of life and 33 provided a road map for me.”