One of the most important movements for men in the last century happened in the 1990’s with a ministry called Promise Keepers. Focused on helping men live with integrity, Promise Keepers touched the lives of seven million men through its national conferences. On October 4, 1997, over a million of these men gathered in the National Mall of Washington, D.C. to take a stand for Christ. In fact, many men who are on the journey of Authentic Manhood today can trace their beginning steps of this journey back to Promise Keepers.

A Movement Reignited to Reach the Next Generation

Today, Promise Keepers is on the move again and Authentic Manhood is partnering with them to have a greater impact on the men of our country. Together, we’re praying for massive revival and transformation in our nation. More than ever, America needs a revival of godly men. Our nation faces problems that can only be overcome when men of integrity — promisekeeping men — fulfill their destinies as godly husbands, fathers, and leaders.


“God created masculinity and said it was good, yet our society is confused about what manhood should be and often labels it 'toxic.' Promise Keepers is calling men back to true manliness based on the perfect Man, Jesus Christ. I’m proud to support this movement!” — Eric Metaxas

For those not familiar with Promise Keepers, it is built around the foundation of God’s Word. Since the beginning, they have committed to specific promises about how men can intentionally apply the Bible in their lives.

The 7 Promises of a Promise Keeper


The Plan

America needs a revival. Especially in these trying times, our nation’s men are experiencing deep problems: loneliness, isolation, broken marriages, pornography addiction, just to name a few. America’s men need both radical revival and the ongoing support of brothers. Together, Promise Keepers and Authentic Manhood are committed to reach the next generation of men through a series of timely resources and events.

On July 31 and August 1, men all across the globe will gather via livestream in their homes, with their men’s groups, and at simulcast locations hosted by churches, to experience the Promise Keepers 2020 Global Digital Experience. This 2-day event will feature everything that men have come to know and expect from a Promise Keepers event - an authentic, Christ-centered experience with amazing keynote speakers, worship artists, and special guests - all selected to offer a timely message of hope, unity, and transformation directly to the heart of men. You won’t want to miss this virtual experience and the opportunity to be refreshed, to be inspired, and to re-ignite your passion for God!

2 ways to join the PK 2020 Men's Conference

Host a Simulcast of the conference at your church or gather a group of guys to watch at your home and tune into the livestream. Both options are free of charge. 

     > Register for livestream access from home

     ˃ Register your church to host a simulcast 

A Catalytic Event For a Movement of Men

Promise Keepers presents an amazing opportunity to serve as a catalyst for new 33 The Series groups. By gathering other men for this simulcast, you’ll all be energized and have a fresh outpouring of the Spirit in your lives. This is a perfect time to follow-up the event with a new group of men or new men in your existing group going through 33 The Series. Don’t miss this opportunity to get men energized about their faith and launch them on a journey to Authentic Manhood. 

     > Find 33 The Series Resources


Learn About the 8 Realities of a Man