
4 Key Realities for Dealing with Temptation

Rely on Jesus
Men don’t like to ask for help. We don’t like to ask for directions, money, advice, and lots of other things. No, we prefer to be self-sufficient, powerful, and in control. Many of us would rather take a bullet than be seen as needy or weak. We want to be the rugged individualistic, go-it-alone, pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps kind of man. John Wayne. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Clint Eastwood. Never needy. Always in control. Of course, some independence and self-sufficiency can be a... read more

Skydiving, Lent, and the Beauty of Death
A number of years ago, I had two friends kidnap me for a day and take me skydiving. It was probably the only way I would ever get the nerve to do it. Once the plane had ascended to 14,000 feet, I was pushed out by our instructor. For the next 10 seconds, I fell into utter oblivion. Time, light, space, thinking, feeling — it all stopped. It's the closest thing to actual death I have ever experienced. When I came out of it though, I was floating. I had reached terminal velocity, and even though... read more

Banding Together for Justice: A #MeToo Response
by: Doug Dworak... read more

Are You Living Healing or Wounded?
Like a physical wound, an untreated emotional wound can infect everything around it. The resulting sickness can cause significant harm to the entire organism, be it a person, a marriage, a family, or community. Here then, we take a look at the differences between a man who has experienced healing and a man who remains wounded.
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8 Presidential Quotes for Leaders
Authentic Men are leaders by God's calling, whether it's with their families, their vocation, or their church. To mark President's Day, I wanted to share my Top 8 Quotes from some of the great leaders of our country that were specific to leadership. Regardless of your political leanings, there is truth and inspiration in these quotes that will benefit and encourage every man.... read more

The Serious Call to Play
It happens at most wedding receptions. Everyone seems to be on the dance floor enjoying themselves, while I hesitate in the corner. There is something unnerving about hurling self-consciousness aside and letting my body go. A similar reticence occurs when I am asked to throw my schedule aside and go have fun for a day or a weekend. It feels like I'm wasting time. I can't play. I have too many important things to do.... read more

6 Keys to Successful Parenting for Single Dads - Part 2
» This is the second post in a 2 part series. View Part 1. «
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Six Keys to Successful Parenting for Single Dads – Part 1
It’s been said that parenting is not for the faint of heart. Add to that parenting teenagers as a single dad and the task seems almost too daunting to even imagine. Unending activities, not-always-pleasant attitudes, transitioning adolescents, and sudden acne are just a few of the unique situations parents of teenagers have to deal with. It’s challenging enough to navigate these waters with an in-tact family and sharing the burdens between a husband and wife. But how do you walk through all... read more