
Leave The Past Behind

Man Enough to Wear a Towel
In the three years that they had been together, the disciples had watched Jesus feed thousands with a few loaves and fishes. They were in the boat when he walked on the water and when he calmed the storm. They had seen him heal the sick and raise the dead, even cast out demons.
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What Are You Attached To?
We were born with a drive to attach. It’s not an option. We will attach to something, either life-giving or life-destroying. Which path are you on? What are you attached to? Let’s start by explaining a bit of Attachment Theory, developed from research in the 1960s and 70s.
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The Anger Thief
We say stuff when we’re mad that we don’t necessarily mean but can never take back.
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The Freedom of Boundaries
Think back to your days as a teen. Were you compliant or rebellious? Did you desire to grow up quickly and demand to be treated as a man or were you content to regard your adolescent years as the transitional period that they are in our culture?
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A Knife and Fear
My friend Morgan Snyder tells a story of one day driving with his pre-teen son. They were on their way to an adventure, I’m not sure what, a hunt, hike, fishing trip maybe. But he asked his son, “What are the top things a man needs to survive?” After a few moments his son replied, “A cell phone and a wallet.” Morgan was thrown off balance. In his son’s mind, and maybe in the world today, the basic survival tools begin with a cell phone and a wallet. Well, that is probably right in... read more

Decide For Yourself
Pornography is like a drug.
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Pay Attention to the Voices
It’s confession time. Heidi will tell me something, and my mind is a million miles away, focused on something else. Then five minutes later I will ask her a question about the very thing she was telling me. I’m caught with no excuses! I wasn’t listening to her. I was just pretending to. I didn’t pay attention to her voice. In the same way, a man is constantly hearing voices in his head. I’m not talking about those with some sort of psychosis. I’m speaking about sane, well-adjusted... read more

What's Your Mission for The Year?
The future seems to outsmart the best of us. No one could have foreseen what the past year or two would be like. So I refuse any temptation to prognosticate about this year. But I can speak to how we can face it. Let’s start with a question: What’s your mission for the year? To have a mission means you can’t be hunkering down, in survival mode, or just getting by. Instead, you are on a quest that focuses your heart and your life. Here’s how I describe my mission for year, a mission big... read more