The Man God Uses

The Man God Uses

Apr 14, 2015 by Authentic Manhood
In his book, To Change the World, James Davison Hunter says, “the passion to engage the world, to shape it and finally change it for the better, would seem to be an enduring mark of Christians on the world in which they live. Throughout Scripture, we read of great men who, often through the unlikeliest of circumstances, achieved incredible feats and influenced the world in ways that can still be seen today.... read more
Male Friendship Part 2

Male Friendship Part 2

Apr 7, 2015 by Authentic Manhood
True friendship is something all men need, but not many have — so what should we to do? There is no silver bullet that will fix this problem for all men everywhere, but there are some things that can definitely help.... read more
Male Friendship Part 1

Male Friendship Part 1

Apr 1, 2015 by Authentic Manhood
The other day I was hanging out with a group of guys at a local cigar shop. We were all telling stories of the crazy things we did as young men. It was fun to reminisce. One thing that stood out to me was how we spoke of friends we had in high school and college. It got me thinking, why do adult men not seem to have the kind of friendships they had when they were younger?... read more
Social Media

Social Media

Mar 31, 2015 by Authentic Manhood
I recently became aware of something about myself. It’s been a blind spot for me… I spend a ridiculous amount of time on social media. ... read more
Admitting Our Weakness

Admitting Our Weakness

Mar 24, 2015 by Authentic Manhood
Some of the smartest people that I know are the un-healthiest people I know. I am not talking about physical health but instead emotional health. Men generally live in a world that affirms intelligence, motivation, and accomplishment as the Holy Grail of success. These things are very important, but what I have seen is that they don’t always lead to success or the kind of life that men are after.... read more
I'm Tired

I'm Tired

Mar 17, 2015 by Authentic Manhood
The other day I worked around the house all day. I got to go to Home Depot not once but twice, and yes, I consider that a good thing. I got to use a circular saw to cut wood and use a hammer. When I was done I was tired - and it was good.... read more
Myths About Mentoring

Myths About Mentoring

Mar 10, 2015 by Authentic Manhood
Young men want mentors. This is a great thing. The problem is that many young men have unhealthy or just downright wrong ideas or expectations for what having a mentor means.... read more
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