
3 Lessons From the Wilderness

Experiencing Jesus Under the Waterfall
When I was in my mid 20's, I took a group of junior high students on a backpacking trip one summer on the Cumberland Plateau. It was unbearably hot and dry. There was even a moment when dehydration and heat exhaustion became a valid concern. But what I remember most from the trip is what happened when we made it back to the base camp. There was a fast flowing stream nearby that plummeted over a stairstep of rocks drenched in moss, creating an enticing place of repose. I remember getting in and... read more

The Ashley Madison List Bomb
I remember when my sin finally found me out. My wife discovered the secrets I had been keeping for a long time…pornography, prostitutes, strip clubs. All my ugly mess finally in the open. I would like to say that I responded with humility, brokenness and honesty. But I didn’t. Instead, I was defensive, still secretive and trying to manage all the consequences that were coming at me like a freight train. All my schemes to keep a lid on that mess just made it worse…for me and for her. That... read more

A Clear Vision for Authentic Manhood
When I moved to Texas, one of the first things I discovered while driving east on Interstate 30 was the ability to see miles ahead of me to where I was going. A clear view of the Dallas skyline confirmed that I was headed in the right direction.... read more

Finding Answers
Every man has unanswered questions. Questions about his value, his skill, or his usefulness. Whether debilitating or just nagging annoyances, these questions persist unless resolved.... read more

Creating Margin
You’ve heard the conversations:... read more

Our Mythic Confrontation In Search Of The Masculine Heart
Our spiritual confrontation beings with ourselves. No matter what we think, what we say, pretend, imagine, or fashion, we have self-destructive tendencies—and we all face death. There is no going around it. Like the second son, Cain, self-destruction crouches at our door, waiting to devour us. If we submit to it, we fall short of our destiny, hurt ourselves and others, and reap the bitter harvest. Eventually, it kills us.... read more

Love With a Faithful God
There's one more reality that you have to include as you're trying to look at your marriage as realistically as possible. Not only must you consider the fallenness of the world you live in and the fact that both of you are less than perfect, but you must also remember that you're not alone in your struggle.... read more

Love For A Flawed Person
You and I just don't get to be married to someone perfect. It seems obvious enough, but many people get married with unrealistic expectations about who they're marrying. Here's the point: you both bring something into your marriage that's destructive to what a marriage needs and must do. That thing is called sin.... read more