Our Most Popular Posts of 2022

Our Most Popular Posts of 2022

Dec 29, 2022 by Authentic Manhood
The final pages of 2022 are upon us, yet despite all the progress forward, we're still faced with a great deal of uncertainty about what lies ahead for 2023. However, you can be certain about how to live a life of truth, passion, and purpose as a man by taking a journey with Authentic Manhood. Part of that journey is the help and encouragement provided through our blog. To make sure you didn't miss our most popular articles, here's the best of the best from the past 12 months. You'll find... read more
The Two Choices of Love

The Two Choices of Love

Dec 7, 2022 by Bill Delvaux
In my work with men over the years, and now especially as a spiritual director, there is one issue that keeps surfacing. It’s not porn or infidelity. It’s not addictions or anxieties. Underneath all of these, I see something else. Here it is: ... read more
The Disease of Silence

The Disease of Silence

Aug 31, 2022 by Authentic Manhood
It’s true that Eve ate the fruit. But curiously, when God came looking for the responsible party, it was Adam he called out to instead of his wife. Evidently, Adam was ultimately responsible. We read in the text, “The LORD God called out to the man and said to him, ‘Where are you?’ ” (Gen 3:9). Notice that by using the name LORD God, the writer reasserted God’s authority that Satan had tried to subvert. But also notice that God didn’t call out, “Adam? Eve? Where are... read more
The Rock

The Rock

Jul 28, 2022 by Authentic Manhood
Some incidents in the life of Peter provide an illustration of how each of us is influenced by Satan’s tricks and our own sinfulness. ... read more


Jun 29, 2022 by Tierce Green
Our neighbors picked me up from school that day - a day that would become a defining moment for me just a few weeks after my tenth birthday. Our house was packed with an odd mix of relatives and neighbors. My mom guided me through the crowd and into my room. With courage and compassion she did her best to explain that my dad had been in an accident. He would not be coming home. He was gone. ... read more
How Digital Media Harms Us

How Digital Media Harms Us

May 26, 2022 by Bill Delvaux
Digital media can harm us. This is not a new subject to any of us. But I felt it imperative to throw in my thoughts as a spiritual director. None of these thoughts are original, but perhaps seeing them summarized may be helpful. In addition, while the whole topic is disturbing, we have choices that can keep us untangled. There is always hope with the resurrected Jesus. With that said, here are three of the more significant ways digital media can harm us: ... read more
The Gift of Church Engagement

The Gift of Church Engagement

Apr 28, 2022 by Authentic Manhood
One of the greatest gifts a man can give his family is consistency and leadership in the life of the local church. ... read more
The Game Inside

The Game Inside

Mar 29, 2022 by Authentic Manhood
The game of golf has a way of mirroring events that occur in real life. In golf as in life, focusing on impressing others can result in some embarrassing moments. In both golf and life, trying to compensate for insecurities by demanding perfection from yourself leads to a frustrating experience and missed opportunities to enjoy the people and world around you. In golf and life, beating yourself up for mistakes creates a horrible narrative in your own mind that leads to bad decisions, low... read more
Reframing Idolotry

Reframing Idolotry

Jan 27, 2022 by Authentic Manhood
Basically, most of us think of idols and idolatry as ideas that are kind of out there—concepts that don’t have any application to our everyday lives. Unfortunately, we’re wrong. That’s because the definition of idolatry isn’t limited to worshiping a physical idol. ... read more
The Top 5 Posts of 2021

The Top 5 Posts of 2021

Dec 28, 2021 by Authentic Manhood
The final pages of 2021 are upon us, yet despite all the progress forward, we're still faced with a great deal of uncertainty about what lies ahead for 2022. However, you can be certain about how to live a life of truth, passion, and purpose as a man by taking a journey with Authentic Manhood. Part of that journey is the help and encouragement provided through our blog. To make sure you didn't miss our most popular articles, here's the best of the best from the past 12 months. You'll find... read more
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