
The Wildly Unpredictable Nature of Jesus

A Man and His Fatherhood Preview
“A dad's job is to connect to the heart of your child in such a way that it makes it easier for them to connect to the heart of God.” – A Man and His Fatherhood... read more

3 Keys for Breaking Free of the Escape Game
By JT McCraw... read more

Turning Our Shame Into Glory
By: Bill Delvaux... read more

Top 5 Posts of 2015
2015 is officially in the rear view mirror. Whether the year was one you're glad to say goodbye to or one that you celebrate, our prayer is that you've been transformed on the journey to Authentic Manhood over the course of the past 12 months. You've been great at reading and sharing the blog on our new site, but we understand how busy and fast-paced life can be. To make sure you don't miss any of these great articles, we've pulled together the five most popular blog posts of 2015 to help men... read more

Money and Financial Health
By: Mike Boschetti... read more

4 Lessons Learned from Steve Harvey
By: JT McCraw... read more

Finding Freedom From Anxiety
My freshman year in high school, I ended up with a late lunch period with mostly upperclassmen I didn’t know. I clearly remember walking down into the cafeteria unsure and fearful about where I should sit. I tried eating with a few freshmen I didn’t know and then with some sophomores I barely knew. In both cases, I felt unwanted, like an intruder. So for the next few days, I tried another tactic: I sat by myself at an empty table. It took care of my social anxiety, but now I felt shame at... read more

2 Essentials for Leading Men
By: JT McCraw... read more