
Top 25 Quotes from Basketball Greats

10 Ideas for a Men's Road Trip
Nothing gets men fired up like time away from the rigors of daily demands or bonds them more closely than through shared experiences. With that in mind and with Spring approaching, here are 10 recommendations for a brief but memorable road trip that will provide quality bonding time for you and other men but won't break the bank. You won't spontaneously form friendships with men that are characterized by intense loyalty, honesty, sacrifice, and memories, so be intentional and spend some time... read more

Finding Our True Identity
It was a tense moment. Jesus popped the question that had been gnawing at the disciples for some time: “Who do you say I am?” Peter, the spokesman for the group, answers succinctly: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:13-20). Peter understood correctly the identity of Jesus, but now he is in for a real surprise. It’s as if Jesus proceeded with something like this: Peter, you know who I really am, and that was given to you by my Father, but now I am going to tell... read more

Responding to Israel Houghton (and Other Leaders Who Fall)
By: JT McCraw... read more

6 Diagnostic Questions for Life and Work
By: Steve Graves
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In Search of the Secret Switch
What is that elusive, secret switch you can flick to turn women on? I wonder whether you men suspect we women have one, whether we’re all in a giant conspiracy to hide it from you, sort of like Samson and Delilah in reverse.... read more

Finding the Grace to Detach
On the day track season officially began, my wife Heidi often felt like wearing black because she was going into mourning. For the next three months, as the high school varsity track coach, I was basically non-existent at home. I had a state-ranked team that needed training, and I had a reputation to keep up. That meant time, work and preparation. I also needed larger teams to insure more victories to keep placing high in the state, and larger teams meant even more time, more work, and more... read more

Being a Grace-Based Father
Tim Kimmel and the 33 team have a discussion on some of the aspects of being a grace-based father. Included in this discussion are grace and truth, discipline, and tips for developing an action plan to help create an environment of grace in your household.
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Fathering a Boy's Heart - Part 2
» This is the second post in a 2 part series on fathering sons. To view Part 1, click here. «... read more