
Why Daughters Need Their Dads

Orlando: A Call to Love and Grace
Much is being said and written from many different perspectives about the nightclub tragedy in Orlando this past weekend. Some have commented from political platforms, some from within the LGBTQ community, some from outside that community, some with hate, some with understanding—everyone working to explain what really happened and to figure out why.... read more

5 Degrees of Communication
Surface talk with surface friends punctuated by thumbs-up and smiley face emojis. Chitchat, which Merriam-Webster defines as “friendly conversation about things that are not very important.” How do we move beyond these ankle-deep acquaintances and develop real community with substantive conversations and more satisfying relationships in the deep end of true brotherhood?
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An Observation of Chewbacca Mom
Unless you’ve been visiting a galaxy far, far away for the past week, you have no doubt felt a disturbance in the force. All the brouhaha started when Candance Payne, affectionately known as "Chewbacca Mom" innocently laughed her way into social media history. You could even say, "the force is strong with this one." The proof is in the over 176 million shares on Facebook alone. Just in case you haven’t seen it, you can view it here.... read more

Finding Ourselves in the Phantom
There is something about The Phantom of the Opera that has always spoken deeply to me. If you remember the story, the Phantom lives in the bowels of the Paris Opera House, fated to live alone because of the hideous face he was born with. He is a musical genius, yet he longs for love and finds the possibility of it in Christine, a young woman whose voice he has trained. As the musical proceeds, he becomes more and more consumed with demanding love from Christine, even to the point of kidnapping... read more

The Anatomy of Character
Who are you really? What's in your heart? The Greek word for heart is “kardia” which also means core. Character goes beyond what people see on the surface to our heart, all the way to our core. Andy Stanley, Senior Pastor of North Point Community Church, offers a solid definition of character that holds up against culture shifts and volatile circumstances. Here it is:
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The Secret of True Greatness
I need to admit something embarrassing: I’ve always wanted to be famous—to be great in the eyes of others. Despite the fact that I know many famous people live miserable lives, the longing has never gone away. It first erupted in my early 20’s when I wanted to be a recording artist. Being born and raised in Nashville, TN, it seemed like the perfect opportunity. I wrote songs, recorded them, and got a well-known producer to mix the tracks, but it didn’t go anywhere. You can’t find me... read more

Restoration of Our Manhood
Bob was a middle-aged man who lived alone in a small town in Kentucky. His father had died years earlier and left him a barn full of stuff he had collected over the years. In the middle of the rickety barn was an old, dust-covered car that hadn't been started in years.... read more

Jordan Frye: A Tribute to My Mother
I grew up under the care of a single mother, as my father left the scene while I was around 12 years old. Their divorce did not stop her from running full steam ahead after the heart of God. She took me to youth group. She led the singles ministry at our church. I witnessed her everyday make decisions to love others when she had nothing left, including working three jobs simultaneously to provide food on the table for my brother and me. I even witnessed her cling to Jesus when she received the... read more