
What Does God See in You?

The Road Map to Freedom - Part 2
» This is the second post in a 3 part series. View Part 1 and Part 3. «... read more

The Road Map to Freedom - Part 1
Transformation begins with the renewing of your mind. (see Rom. 12:2) Your behavior maps out a small "road" in your brain that creates a basic pathway for your thoughts. As you repeat a particular behavior, your brain builds a bigger "highway" that allows for an increased volume and frequency of thoughts to move about. The results in your day-to-day actions. In order to change your behavior, you must reprogram your brain. You have to deconstruct an existing highway and replace it with a new one.... read more

It's All in the Eyes
Just over four years ago, a group of friends both encouraged and challenged me to begin a ministry based on my writing and work with men. I decided to listen to their voices because, in them, I distinctly felt God’s calling upon my life. But the jump from a safe and secure teaching job into the unknowns of a start-up felt like a jump out of an airplane. I was assured that the parachute would open, but there were many times when I felt this free fall would end in disaster. Perhaps I felt it... read more

Power Washing by Jesus
I love my pressure washer. It has an easy start gas engine with 3400 PSI. That’s really more power than I need, but it feels good to know it’s there. I have one of the cleanest driveways in the neighborhood—just one of the cleanest because my neighbors love my pressure washer, too.
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2 Words for Entering the Great Adventure
» This is the second post of a 2-part series. To view Part 1, click here. «
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Is Marriage About My Happiness or Something Bigger?
We live in a time in history when it seems that happiness and personal fulfillment are the goals of every endeavor. When people are faced with challenges in life or marriage, the first question they often ask is: "What will make you the happiest?" If your job is not bringing you happiness, then quit. If your marriage is not making you happy, then you owe it to yourself to get a divorce. But there is a trap in this thinking that many of us never see; we focus on being happy more than we do on... read more

4 Words for the Great Adventure
To follow Jesus is the beginning of the great adventure in life. Here are four words that help us come to grips with Him, sketching out why His story is so compelling and transforming.... read more

See God in the Dark
By: Josh Havens
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