The Resurrection of Men

The Resurrection of Men

May 18, 2017 by Authentic Manhood
With the recent celebration of Easter, we have all been reminded of the possibility of resurrection. For me, this possibility clusters around two ideas.... read more
The Price of Progress

The Price of Progress

May 2, 2017 by John Bryson
Significant things have a significant cost. Manhood is not achieved without some sort of price to pay. Every time a man grows his King or Warrior Face, he is growing courageously and using a righteous energy.... read more
Gran Torino and Brotherhood

Gran Torino and Brotherhood

Apr 20, 2017 by Authentic Manhood
When I saw Gran Torino a few years ago, there was a powerful scene that moved me deeply, although I wasn't exactly sure why. If you've seen the movie, you'll remember the scene. It's when Clint Eastwood's character, Walt Kowalski, takes the young boy, Thao, to the barber shop to show him...model for him how men interact. Walt strolls in and speaks to the barber in very rough language and is greeted in return with the same gruff banter—all done with a surprising warmth between the two men. He... read more
The Quest is Calling You

The Quest is Calling You

Apr 7, 2017 by Authentic Manhood
Every man is born with two latent questions: "Who am I?" and "What am I to do with my life?" Without premeditation or instruction, both questions at some point erupt from the depths of a man’s soul. It's as if we are dropped into the middle of a mystery movie and asked to figure out the answer, only the mystery is us. It’s the riddle of our identity and destiny. How we try to answer it shapes everything in our lives.... read more
Reject Passivity

Reject Passivity

Mar 31, 2017 by Authentic Manhood
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ... read more
The Journey to Authentic Manhood

The Journey to Authentic Manhood

Mar 23, 2017 by Authentic Manhood
There are two great truths that undergird everything in the Bible:... read more
10 Great Daddy-Daughter Movies

10 Great Daddy-Daughter Movies

Mar 17, 2017 by Authentic Manhood
Spending time with your daughter is critical to connect to her heart. You do this by sharing time together with just you and her. One easy and affordable way to accomplish this is by watching a movie together and, with Spring Break upon us, what better time than now! But don't just watch a movie, make it an experience! Cook dinner together and let her choose the menu. Don't forget her favorite dessert and drink and be sure to make this night about just the two of you. To help you make this a... read more
Silence is Where the Action Is

Silence is Where the Action Is

Mar 3, 2017 by Authentic Manhood
During my songwriting years, I thought the action happened in the recording sessions and on stage. During my time as a church planter, I thought the action happened in the constant growth and success of the church. And during my stint as a running coach, I thought the action happened with excited athletes and winning teams. Now as I have gotten older, I have come to believe the action is somewhere else entirely—in fact, in the one place I would have never expected:... read more
25 Inspiring Presidential Quotes

25 Inspiring Presidential Quotes

Feb 20, 2017 by Rachel Lindholm
Today is President's Day, so it seems appropriate to take inspiration and wisdom from the leaders of our great country. Below are my Top 25 Quotes from among the most memorable Presidents in our nation's history. Regardless of your party affiliation, these nuggets of gold can provide lessons in life for every man.... read more
My Beloved and My Friend

My Beloved and My Friend

Feb 9, 2017 by Authentic Manhood
It's only one sentence and a short one at that. But it would be foolish to skip over this vital wisdom about a healthy marriage relationship that is embedded in the colorful and even steamy narrative of the Song of Solomon. In Song 5:16, the wife describes her husband as her beloved and her friend.... read more
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