
The Heart of Man: A Place at the Table

The Next Storm has Been Predicted
This has been an extremely active and record-breaking hurricane season. Lives have been turned upside down due to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Last week as I sat in the Fort Lauderdale airport, I overheard several nervous conversations about yet another one in the Atlantic, Hurricane Maria.... read more

The Heart of Man: Standing at the Cliff of Choice
“But the Hebrew word, the word timshel—‘Thou mayest’— that gives a choice. It might be the most important word in the world. That says the way is open.” – John Steinbeck, East of Eden
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How to Unlock Your Superpower
“Sometimes what a man needs to see is another man just stand against the undercurrent of culture. It’s the apologetics of standing.” When my South African friend uttered those words, I got Mini Cooper sized goosebumps down my arms.... read more

Connect With Your Heart
A man who heeds an upward call—rejecting passivity, accepting responsibility, leading courageously, and investing eternally—is signing up for a spiritual fight. He's sure to be confronted with the usual emotions of battle: confusion, discouragement, fatigue, fear, and anger.
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How to Replace Faulty Foundations
Just about every internal issue you have today as a man indicates you’ve built your "manhood home" on a faulty masculine foundation.... read more

3 Characteristics of Biblical Authenticity
I recently posted on my social media feed the following statement: “Authenticity should flow from what I am still learning versus what I already know.”
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2 Gifts Every Man Needs
This past weekend I backpacked with my friend Greg into the Big South Fork National Recreation Area. For the whole previous week, one thing after another seemed to block the trip, but at the very last minute, the doors opened for us to go. We jumped in the car and soon entered the world of the wilderness for three days and two nights. Of the many gifts we were given on the trip, two stand out as ones that every man needs: unwinding and reminding... read more

The Father Trap
I say this all the time: there are few things in life that rise to the same level of importance as fathering. How significant is the calling upon fathers to be the primary instruments in the shaping of a human soul? It's a calling that we should accept with humility and holy fear, but also with excitement and courage because Christ is with us and for us.... read more