3 Parts of Our Biblical Blueprint for Work
Jesus came to earth to save us and to be God's perfect image-bearer to provide an example of how mankind is to engage in all of life, including our work life. In Session 2 of A Man and His Work, we provide a God-inspired, gospel-centered vision for your work. It's called the Biblical Blueprint for Work. Here's an overview for the 3 parts of the Biblical Blueprint.
1. WHAT IS WORK? » Vocation
Work is more than just a job
It's Personal:
- God's plan for your life
- Personal to your talents, gifting, and season
It's Purposeful:
- Participating in something bigger that God is doing in the world through us
- Part of our personal story within God's story
2. WHAT DO WE DO? » Create and Cultivate
God modeled work for mankind by creating and cultivating for the benefit of others
- First, He created by bringing new things into existence
- Second, He cultivated His work by building an environment where it could flourish and commissioned Adam, His co-worker, to care for it alongside Him
God made man in His image to create, cultivate, and develop God's world
- In the very beginning work was given to mankind as a gift, not a curse, designed to be part of every many's story
- He gave us the privilege and responsibility to care for and develop the earth for the benefit of mankind and for His glory
3. WHO ARE WE TO BE? » A Life-Giving Presence
In addition to coming to earth to save us from our sins, He also came as an example to imitate
- We are called to follow Jesus
Jesus is the example of being a "life-giving presence" in all areas of His life, including work
- While Jesus was doing His work on earth, He blessed others. People experienced Him as a life-giving presence
- As we follow Him, we desire to be a life-giving presence in our work