Strong, authentic men build strong families, churches and communities. If you want your church to grow and thrive, you must develop strong men.
But many men today are in a state of drift and confusion. They feel trapped inside, and they are suffering because of it. They are searching for a better vision for manhood in a culture that keeps letting them down.
And as men are suffering, churches are suffering. Sixty percent of people in their 20s and 30s who grew up in church are leaving church… many of them men.When churches don’t give men a vision for life, they look for it somewhere else.
The most strategic thing you can do for your church is invest in the lives of your men… but most pastors don’t know where to start. This guide will give you a clear and simple roadmap for developing strong, healthy men – and in turn, a strong, healthy congregation.
About 33 The Series

33 The Series is a video series that helps men discover a healthy vision for manhood and become who they’re created to be.
Designed to be used in churches and men’s group, 33 The Series is multi-volume series that covers everything from a man’s design to practical life topics like marriage, work and parenting. It gives a biblical and practical vision for manhood, as modeled by the life of Jesus.
More than just another study or book, 33 The Series connects men in community and helps guys find hope and encouragement to pursue a path of authentic manhood – a path that is honest, real and Gospel-centered.